Exploring Sequential Gaussian Simulation

This script will let you explore how to use this package, what are the parametrization and what are the difference among the various SGS algorithm possible


nx = 50; % number of cell along x
ny = 50; % number of cell along y
m = 1; % number of realization
covar.model = 'gaussian'; % type of covariance function, see functions/kriginginitiaite.m for option
covar.range0 = [10 10]; % range of covariance [y x]
covar.azimuth = 0; % orientation of the covariance
covar.c0 = 1; % variance
covar.alpha = 1; % parameter of covariance function (facult)
parm.saveit = false; % save in a file
parm.seed_path = 'shuffle'; % seed for the path
parm.seed_search = 'shuffle'; % seed for the search (equal distance node)
parm.seed_U = 'shuffle'; % seed of the node value sampling
parm.mg = 1 ; % multigrid vs randomized path
neigh.wradius = 3; % maximum range of neighboorhood search, factor of covar.range.
neigh.lookup = false; % lookup table.
neigh.nb = 40; % maximum number of neighborhood
method = 'trad'; % SGS method: cst_par, cst_par_cond, hybrid, varcovar

Traditional SGS

Traditional SGS is the most intuitive way of coding SGS.
method = 'trad';
[Rest, t1] = SGS(nx,ny,m,covar,neigh,parm, method);
xlabel('x'); ylabel('y'); colorbar; axis equal tight;
However, traditional SGS scales very badly for multiple realization.
[Rest, t10] = SGS(nx,ny,m,covar,neigh,parm, method);
disp(['Time spend for 1 realizations: ' num2str(t1.global) 'sec'])
Time spend for 1 realizations: 2.7321sec
disp(['Time spend for 10 realizations: ' num2str(t10.global) 'sec'])
Time spend for 10 realizations: 16.4613sec
for i_m=1:m
subplot(2,m/2,i_m); imagesc(Rest(:,:,i_m)); caxis([-3 3]); axis equal tight;

Constant path

A very good solution is to use a lookup table.
neigh.lookup = true;
method = 'trad';
[~, t10] = SGS(nx,ny,m,covar,neigh,parm, method);
disp(['Time spend for 10 realizations with lookup table: ' num2str(t10.global) 'sec'])
Time spend for 10 realizations with lookup table: 7.2936sec
But when the grid get larger, lookup table can be difficult to store and not very efficient. Another solution is to use a constant path. This allows to reuse the same kriging weight for each realizations
neigh.lookup = false;
method = 'cst';
[Rest, t10] = SGS(nx,ny,m,covar,neigh,parm, method);
disp(['Time spend for 10 realizations with a constant path: ' num2str(t10.global) 'sec'])
Time spend for 10 realizations with a constant path: 2.2187sec
for i_m=1:m
subplot(2,m/2,i_m); imagesc(Rest(:,:,i_m)); caxis([-3 3]); axis equal tight;

Constant path with parralelization

method = 'cst_par';
[Rest, t50] = SGS(nx,ny,m,covar,neigh,parm, method);
disp(['Time spend for 50 realizations with a parralelized constant path: ' num2str(t50.global) 'sec'])
Time spend for 50 realizations with a parralelized constant path: 3.8653sec

Conditional SGS with a Parralelized constant path

We can also defined some conditional point
field=fftma_perso(covar, grid);
prim = sampling_pt(grid,field,2,5);
[Rest, t10] = SGS(nx,ny,m,covar,neigh,parm, method, prim);
for i_m=1:m
subplot(2,m/2,i_m); hold on;caxis([-3 3]);axis equal tight;
imagesc(Rest(:,:,i_m)); scatter(prim.x,prim.y,'or')

Hybrid SGS

Hybrid allows to switch from a randomized path to a constant path at a certain level of the multigrid path. This level is defined by parm.hybrid
for hybrid=1:7
parm.hybrid = hybrid;
[Rest, t10] = SGS(nx,ny,m,covar,neigh,parm, method);
disp(['Time spend for 10 realizations with hybrid level ' num2str(parm.hybrid) ': ' num2str(t10.global) 'sec'])
Time spend for 10 realizations with hybrid level 1: 0.3981sec Time spend for 10 realizations with hybrid level 2: 0.51953sec Time spend for 10 realizations with hybrid level 3: 0.62911sec Time spend for 10 realizations with hybrid level 4: 0.66717sec Time spend for 10 realizations with hybrid level 5: 0.81922sec Time spend for 10 realizations with hybrid level 6: 1.07sec Time spend for 10 realizations with hybrid level 7: 1.6025sec


Varcovar compute the actual full covariance matrix of the simulation. Have a look at the paper from Emery & Pelàez (2011) DOI:10.1007/s10596-011-9235-5 for more information.
[Rest, t10] = SGS(nx,ny,m,covar,neigh,parm, method);