Conditional Gaussian stocastic simulation with area-to-point kriging (A2PK)

This script show you how to generate stocastic fine-scale realization conditioned to a coarse-scale image AND some fine-scale hard data using area-to-point kriging and conditioning kriging.
See ... for the basic unconditional simulation. This script gives less explaination and assume that the reader is familiar with the unconditional simulation.

Generation of the synthetic data

This is exactly similaire to the first section of ...
covar.model='exponential'; covar.range=[10 10]; covar.var=1; covar.azimuth=0;
covar = covarIni(covar);
[z.X,z.Y] = meshgrid(z.x, z.y);
z.nxy = numel(z.X);
z.s = [numel(z.x) numel(z.y)];
z.true = FGS(z, covar);
z.true = z.true{1};
Z.dx=4; Z.dy=4;
Z.x = mean(z.x(1:Z.dx)):Z.dx:mean(z.x(end-Z.dx+1:end));
Z.y = mean(z.y(1:Z.dy)):Z.dy:mean(z.y(end-Z.dy+1:end));
[Z.X,Z.Y] = meshgrid(Z.x, Z.y);
G = zeros(numel(Z.X),z.nxy);
[~,id] = min(bsxfun(@minus,Z.X(:), z.X(:)').^2 + bsxfun(@minus, Z.Y(:), z.Y(:)').^2);
G(sub2ind(size(G), id, 1:z.nxy)) = 1/(Z.dx*Z.dy);
Z.true = reshape(G * z.true(:), numel(Z.y), numel(Z.x));

Sample zt at a few location

We sample the value on the true field with the function sampling_pt, which has 2 methods possible of sampling (3rd arguement), either as vertical line with 1 or as random 2. The 4th arguement is the number of samples or lines to sample = sampling_pt(z,z.true,2,5);


c_axis=[-3 3];%c_axis=[ min(z.true(:)) max(z.true(:))];
figure; hold on;
imagesc(z.x, z.y, z.true);
scatter(,,[],,'s','filled','MarkerEdgeColor','k'); title('True fine-scale field with hard data');
caxis(c_axis); axis tight equal;

Kriging prediction

Czz = covar.g(squareform(pdist([z.X(:) z.Y(:)]*;
CzZ = Czz * G';
CZZ = G * CzZ;
In addition to the covariance between/among the fine and coarse scale, we also need now the covariance with the hard data.
Czptzpt = Czz(,;
Czzpt = Czz(:,;
CZzpt = CzZ(,:);
The kriging system can then be built and the kriging weight computed
CCa = [ CZZ CZzpt' ; CZzpt Czptzpt ];
CCb = [ CzZ' ; Czzpt' ];
W = (CCa \ CCb)';
z.krig = reshape( W * [Z.true(:) ;], z.s(2),z.s(1));


imagesc(z.x, z.y, z.krig); caxis(c_axis); title('Kriging prediction map conditioned to the coarse scale and the hard data');

Generate conditional realization

z.uncondSim = FGS(z, covar);
z.uncondSim = z.uncondSim{1};
Z.uncondSim = reshape(G * z.uncondSim(:), numel(Z.y), numel(Z.x));
z.krigSim = reshape( W * [Z.uncondSim(:); z.true(], z.s(2),z.s(1));
z.condSim = z.krig + (z.uncondSim - z.krigSim);
Z.condSim = reshape(G * z.condSim(:), numel(Z.y), numel(Z.x));


figure('pos',[0 0 800 330])
subplot(1,2,1); imagesc(z.x, z.y, z.uncondSim); caxis(c_axis); title('Unconditional fine-scale realization');
subplot(1,2,2); imagesc(Z.x, Z.y, Z.uncondSim); caxis(c_axis); title('Unconditional coarse-scale realization');
figure('pos',[0 0 800 330])
subplot(1,2,1); imagesc(z.x, z.y, z.true); caxis(c_axis); title('True fine-scale');
subplot(1,2,2);imagesc(z.x, z.y, z.condSim); caxis(c_axis); title('Conditional realization');
figure('pos',[0 0 800 330])
subplot(1,2,1); imagesc(Z.x, Z.y, Z.true); caxis(c_axis); title('True fine-scale');
subplot(1,2,2);imagesc(Z.x, Z.y, Z.condSim); caxis(c_axis); title('Conditional realization');

Analysis of the realization