Area-to-point Kriging with ERT

In this live script, we will use area-to-point kriging to simulate fine-scale electrical conductivity field which respect a given spatial model as well as being consistent with the ERT inverted field.

Generating the synthetic dataset

This section creates the data. gen struct store the parameter and data_generation.m compute everything.
Add the R2 folder in the path
The grid is defined by a number of cells in x and y as well as the length in unit in x and y
gen.xmax = 100; %total length in unit [m]
gen.ymax = 15; %total hight in unit [m]
gen.nx = 500;
gen.ny = 25;
Generation Method: All method generate with FFTMA a gaussian field. See more information in data_generation.m
% 'Normal' with normal distribution \sim N(,gen.std)
% 'LogNormal' with normal distribution \sim log N(,gen.std)
% 'fromRho': log transform it with the parameter defined below
% 'fromK': generate with FFTMA a field of Hyraulic conductivity and log transform it with the parameter defined below
gen.method = 'fromLogPhi';
Parameters of the the spatial model
gen.samp = 1; % Method of sampling of K and g | 1: borehole, 2:random. For fromK or from Rho only
gen.samp_n = 3; % number of well or number of point
gen.covar(1).model = 'exponential';
gen.covar(1).range0 = [4 40];
gen.covar(1).azimuth = 0;
gen.covar(1).c0 = 1;
gen.covar = kriginginitiaite(gen.covar); = -1.579; % parameter of the first field.
gen.std = sqrt(0.22361);
Parameters of the ERT (forward and inversion)
gen.Rho.method = 'R2'; % 'Paolo' (default for gen.method Paolo), 'noise', 'RESINV3D'
gen.Rho.f ={};
gen.Rho.f.res_matrix = 0;
gen.Rho.elec.spacing = 2; % in unit [m] | adapted to fit the fine grid
gen.Rho.elec.bufzone = 2; % number of electrod to skip
gen.Rho.elec.config_max = 6000; % number of configuration of electrode maximal
gen.Rho.i.grid.nx = 200; % | adapted to fit the fine grid
gen.Rho.i.grid.ny = 15; % log-spaced grid | adapted to fit the fine grid
gen.Rho.i.res_matrix = 3; % resolution matrix: 1-'sensitivity' matrix, 2-true resolution matrix or 0-none
Other parameters
gen.plotit = true; % display graphic or not (you can still display later with |script_plot.m|)
gen.saveit = true; % save the generated file or not, this will be turn off if mehod Paolo or filename are selected = '600x40';
gen.seed = 8;
Run the function. The current selected option is to load a pre-computed dataset, comment/uncomment the lines below if you want to compute another the dataset.
% fieldname = data_generation(gen);
% [fieldname, grid_gen, K_true, phi_true, sigma_true, K, sigma, Sigma, gen] = data_generation(gen);
fieldname = 'GEN-600x40_2017-12-21_15-44';
Figure of the ERT
Load the dataset
load(['ERT/result/' fieldname]);
Add some nice colormap, it can be downloaded here
Normal Score based on known distribution of Prim and Sec. If the forward/inversion Nscore is unknown, the Normal Score can be computed based on empirical CDF
Nscore.forward = @(x) (log(x./43)/;
Nscore.inverse = @(x) 43.*exp(1.4*(x.*;
Sec.d = Nscore.forward(Sigma.d);
Prim.d = Nscore.forward(sigma_true);
Prim.x = grid_gen.x; Prim.y = grid_gen.y; Prim.X = grid_gen.X; Prim.Y = grid_gen.Y;
% Nscore based on empirical CDF
% [kern.prior,kern.axis_prim] = ksdensity(sigma_true(:));
% parm.nscore=1;
% Nscore = nscore(kern, parm, 0);
% Sec=Sigma;
% Sec.d = reshape(Nscore.forward(Sec.d(:)) ,numel(Sec.y),numel(Sec.x));
% Prim.d = reshape(Nscore.forward(sigma_true(:)), grid_gen.ny, grid_gen.nx);
% Prim.x = grid_gen.x; Prim.y = grid_gen.y; Prim.X = grid_gen.X; Prim.Y = grid_gen.Y;
Figure of the initial data
figure; colormap(viridis()); c_axis_n=log10([ min(sigma_true(:)) max(sigma_true(:)) ]);
subplot(2,1,1); surface(grid_gen.x, grid_gen.y, log10(sigma_true),'EdgeColor','none','facecolor','flat');
caxis(c_axis_n); title('True electrical conductivity \sigma^{true}'); xlabel('x'); ylabel('y'); set(gca,'Ydir','reverse');
subplot(2,1,2); surface(Sigma.x, Sigma.y, log10(Sigma.d),'EdgeColor','none','facecolor','flat');
caxis(c_axis_n); title('Inverted electrical conductivity U \sigma^{est}'); xlabel('x'); ylabel('y'); set(gca,'Ydir','reverse');
figure; colormap(viridis()); c_axis=[ min(Prim.d(:)) max(Prim.d(:))];
subplot(2,1,1); imagesc(grid_gen.x, grid_gen.y, Prim.d); caxis(c_axis); title('True field z_t'); xlabel('x'); ylabel('y');
subplot(2,1,2); imagesc(Sec.x, Sec.y, Sec.d); caxis(c_axis); title('Inverted field Z^{est}'); xlabel('x'); ylabel('y');

Area-to-point Kriging

Built the matrix G which link the true variable Prim.d to the measured coarse scale d
G = zeros(numel(Sec.d), numel(Prim.d));
for i=1:numel(Sec.d)
Res = reshape(Sigma.res(i,:)+Sigma.res_out(i)/numel(Sigma.res(i,:)),numel(Sec.y),numel(Sec.x));
f = griddedInterpolant({Sec.y,Sec.x},Res,'linear');
res_t = f({Prim.y,Prim.x});
G(i,:) = res_t(:) ./sum(res_t(:));
Simulate a sampling. See sampling_pt for the description of the parameters (borehole or scattered points)
Prim_pt = sampling_pt(Prim,Prim.d,1,1);
Compute the covariance of the data error
Cm = inv(sqrtm(full(gen.Rho.i.output.R(gen.Rho.i.output.inside,gen.Rho.i.output.inside))));
Cmt = (eye(size(Sigma.res))-Sigma.res)*Cm;
Compute the covariance of the spatial model
covar = kriginginitiaite(gen.covar);
Cz = covar.g(squareform(pdist([Prim.X Prim.Y]*;
Czd = Cz * G';
Cd = G * Czd;
Combine both covariance and built the Kriging System
Cd2 = Cd+Cmt;
Czh = Cz(,;
Czzh = Cz(,:);
Czhd = Czd( ,:);
CCa = [ Cd2 Czhd' ; Czhd Czh ];
CCb = [ Czd' ; Czzh' ];
Solve the kriging system
parfor ij=1:numel(Prim.x)*numel(Prim.y)
W(ij,:) = CCa \ CCb(:,ij);
Save everything
save(['ERT/result/' fieldname '_cond'],'W','Prim_pt','G','Nscore','Sec','Prim')
Figure of Area-to-point kriging
Load the file
load(['ERT/result/' fieldname '_cond'],'W','Prim_pt','G','Nscore','Sec','Prim')
Display the resolution matrix R
% OLD large grid: i=[1838 4525 8502]; th=.05; x_lim=[16 25; 35 65; 90 99]; y_lim=[-.12 7; -.12 19.57; -.12 8]; ccaxis=[-.02 .02; -.002 .002; -.01 .01];
i=[410 1498 2800]; th=.05; x_lim=[8 20; 35 65; 80 100]; y_lim=[-.007 7; -.007 14.37; -.007 10]; ccaxis=[-.05 .05; -.01 .01; -.02 .02];
figure; colormap(viridis())
subplot(2,numel(i),[1 numel(i)]);hold on; surface(Sec.X,Sec.Y,reshape(diag(Sigma.res),numel(Sec.y),numel(Sec.x)),'EdgeColor','none','facecolor','flat');
for ii=1:numel(i)
rectangle('Position',[x_lim(ii,1) y_lim(ii,1) range(x_lim(ii,:)) range(y_lim(ii,:))],'EdgeColor','r','linewidth',1)
view(2); axis tight equal; set(gca,'Ydir','reverse'); box on; xlabel('x');ylabel('y'); title('Diagonal of the resolution matrix R');
for ii=1:numel(i)
subplot(2,numel(i),numel(i)+ii);hold on; surface(Sec.X,Sec.Y,reshape(Sigma.res(i(ii),:),numel(Sec.y),numel(Sec.x)),'EdgeColor','none','facecolor','flat'); scatter3(Sec.X(i(ii)),Sec.Y(i(ii)),100,'sr','filled')
view(2); axis tight equal; set(gca,'Ydir','reverse'); box on; axis equal tight; xlabel('x');ylabel('y'); title('Resolution of the red dot R(i,:)'); xlim(x_lim(ii,:)); ylim(y_lim(ii,:));
% subplot(2,numel(i),2*numel(i)+ii);hold on; surface(Prim.X,Prim.Y,reshape(G(i(ii),:), numel(Prim.y), numel(Prim.x)),'EdgeColor','none','facecolor','flat'); scatter3(Sec.X(i(ii)),Sec.Y(i(ii)),100,'sr','filled')
% view(2); axis tight equal; set(gca,'Ydir','reverse'); box on; axis equal; xlabel('x');ylabel('y'); xlim(x_lim(ii,:)); ylim(y_lim(ii,:))
Compute and plot the kriging map
zh = reshape( W * [Sec.d(:) ; Prim_pt.d], numel(Prim.y),numel(Prim.x));
figure; colormap(viridis())
surf(Prim.x,Prim.y,zh,'EdgeColor','none','facecolor','flat'); caxis([-3 3])
view(2); set(gca,'Ydir','reverse'); xlabel('x');ylabel('y'); title('Kriging map')
Compute coarse G-transformed of the true fine scale and compare it to the inverted field
Test_Sec_d = reshape(G * Prim.d(:), numel(Sec.y), numel(Sec.x));
% zhtest = reshape( W * [Test_Sec_d(:) ; Prim_pt.d], ny, nx);
figure; colormap(viridis())
subplot(3,1,1);surface(Sec.X,Sec.Y,Sec.d,'EdgeColor','none','facecolor','flat'); view(2); set(gca,'Ydir','reverse'); caxis([-3 3]); xlabel('x');ylabel('y'); title('Inverted electrical conductivity \Sigma^{est}')
subplot(3,1,2);surface(Sec.X,Sec.Y,Test_Sec_d,'EdgeColor','none','facecolor','flat'); view(2); set(gca,'Ydir','reverse'); caxis([-3 3]);xlabel('x');ylabel('y'); title('G-transform of the true electrical conductivity Gz^{true}')
subplot(3,1,3);surface(Sec.X,Sec.Y,Test_Sec_d-Sec.d,'EdgeColor','none','facecolor','flat'); view(2); set(gca,'Ydir','reverse'); xlabel('x');ylabel('y'); title('Error')

Simulation of eletrical conductivity fields with Area-to-point Kriging

Using conditioning kriging we can easily generate conditional field
parm.n_real = 30; %500
zcs=nan(numel(Prim.y), numel(Prim.x),parm.n_real);
z=nan(numel(Sec.y), numel(Sec.x),parm.n_real);
covar = kriginginitiaite(gen.covar);
for i_real=1:parm.n_real
zs = fftma_perso(covar, struct('x',Prim.x,'y',Prim.y));
%zs = fftma_perso(gen.covar, grid_gen);
zhs = W * [G * zs(:) ; zs(];
r = zh(:) + (zs(:) - zhs(:));
zcs(:,:,i_real) = reshape( r, numel(Prim.y), numel(Prim.x));
z(:,:,i_real)=reshape(G*r(:), numel(Sec.y), numel(Sec.x) );
figure; colormap(viridis()); c_axis=[ -3 3];
subplot(4,1,1);surf(Prim.x, Prim.y, Prim.d,'EdgeColor','none','facecolor','flat'); caxis(c_axis);view(2); set(gca,'Ydir','reverse'); title('True field')
% hold on; scatter(Prim_pt.x,Prim_pt.y,'filled','r')
subplot(4,1,2);surf(Prim.x, Prim.y, zcs(:,:,1),'EdgeColor','none','facecolor','flat'); caxis(c_axis);view(2); set(gca,'Ydir','reverse'); title('Single realization')
subplot(4,1,3);surf(Prim.x, Prim.y, mean(zcs,3),'EdgeColor','none','facecolor','flat'); caxis(c_axis);view(2); set(gca,'Ydir','reverse'); title('Mean of all realizations')
subplot(4,1,4);surf(Prim.x, Prim.y, std(zcs,[],3),'EdgeColor','none','facecolor','flat'); view(2); set(gca,'Ydir','reverse'); title('Standard deviation of all realiaztions')
figure; colormap(viridis()); c_axis=[ -3 3];
subplot(4,1,1);surf(Sec.x, Sec.y, Sec.d,'EdgeColor','none','facecolor','flat'); caxis(c_axis); view(2); set(gca,'Ydir','reverse');
subplot(4,1,2);surf(Sec.x, Sec.y, z(:,:,1),'EdgeColor','none','facecolor','flat'); caxis(c_axis); view(2); set(gca,'Ydir','reverse');
subplot(4,1,3);surf(Sec.x, Sec.y, mean(z,3),'EdgeColor','none','facecolor','flat'); caxis(c_axis); view(2);set(gca,'Ydir','reverse');
subplot(4,1,4);surf(Sec.x, Sec.y, std(z,[],3),'EdgeColor','none','facecolor','flat'); title('d Average of True field');view(2); set(gca,'Ydir','reverse');
subplot(2,1,1);surface(Sec.X,Sec.Y,Test_Sec_d-Sec.d,'EdgeColor','none','facecolor','flat'); view(2); set(gca,'Ydir','reverse'); axis equal tight; box on; xlabel('x');ylabel('y'); caxis([-.6 .6]);
subplot(2,1,2);surf(Sec.x, Sec.y, mean(z,3)-Sec.d,'EdgeColor','none','facecolor','flat'); view(2); axis tight equal; set(gca,'Ydir','reverse'); caxis([-.6 .6])
Compute the Variogram and Histogram of realiaztions
vario_x=nan(parm.n_real, numel(Prim.x));
for i_real=1:parm.n_real
r = zcs(:,:,i_real);
%r = (r(:)-mean(r(:)))./std(r(:));
[vario_x(i_real,:),vario_y(i_real,:)]=variogram_gridded_perso(reshape( r(:), numel(Prim.y), numel(Prim.x)));
subplot(2,1,1); hold on;
h1=plot(Prim.x(1:2:end),vario_x(:,1:2:end)','b','color',[.5 .5 .5]);
xlim([0 60]); xlabel('Lag-distance h_x ');ylabel('Variogram \gamma(h_x)')
legend([h1(1) h2 h3],'500 realizations','True field','Theorical Model')
subplot(2,1,2); hold on;
h1=plot(Prim.y,vario_y','b','color',[.5 .5 .5]);
xlim([0 6]); xlabel('Lag-distance h_y ');ylabel('Variogram \gamma(h_y)')
legend([h1(1) h2 h3],'500 realizations','True field','Theorical Model')
figure; hold on; colormap(viridis())
for i_real=1:parm.n_real
%r = (r(:)-mean(r(:)))./std(r(:));
[f,xi] = ksdensity(r(:));
h1=plot(xi,f,'b','color',[.5 .5 .5]);
[f,xi] = ksdensity(Prim.d(:));
[f,xi] = ksdensity(Prim_pt.d(:));
xlabel('Lag-distance h ');ylabel('Variogram \gamma(h)')
legend([h1 h2 h3 h4],'500 realizations','True field','Theorical Model','Sampled value (well)')

Forward simulation

Put the realization in the forward ERT
rho = 1000./Nscore.inverse(zcs);
for i_real=1:parm.n_real
f.res_matrix = gen.Rho.f.res_matrix;
f.grid = gen.Rho.f.grid;
f.header = 'Forward'; % title of up to 80 characters
f.job_type = 0;
f.filepath = ['data_gen/IO-file-' num2str(i_real) '/'];
f.readonly = 0;
f.alpha_aniso = gen.Rho.f.alpha_aniso;
f.elec_spacing = gen.Rho.f.elec_spacing;
f.elec_id = gen.Rho.f.elec_id;
f.rho = rho(:,:,i_real);
f.num_regions = gen.Rho.f.num_regions;
f.rho_min = gen.Rho.f.rho_min;
f.rho_avg = gen.Rho.f.rho_avg;
f.rho_max = gen.Rho.f.rho_max;
f = Matlat2R2(f,gen.Rho.elec); % write file and run forward modeling
fsim_pseudo(:,i_real) = f.output.pseudo;
fsim_resistance(:,i_real) = f.output.resistance;
save(['result/' fieldname '_sim'],'zcs','fsim_pseudo','fsim_resistance')
Figure of forward simulation
Load the file
load(['result/' fieldname '_sim'])
Compute the misfit
for i_real=1:parm.n_real
fsim_misfit(:,i_real) = (fsim_resistance(:,i_real) - gen.Rho.f.output.resistancewitherror) ./ (gen.Rho.i.a_wgt + gen.Rho.i.b_wgt*gen.Rho.f.output.resistancewitherror);
err(i_real) = sqrt(mean(fsim_misfit(:,i_real).^2));
Plot the histogram of the error
figure; histogram(err);
xlabel('Misfit'); ylabel('Histogram')
figure; colormap(viridis());c_axis=[min(gen.Rho.f.output.pseudo(:)) max(gen.Rho.f.output.pseudo(:))];
subplot(3,1,1); scatter(gen.Rho.f.pseudo_x,gen.Rho.f.pseudo_y,[],gen.Rho.f.output.pseudo,'filled');set(gca,'Ydir','reverse');caxis(c_axis); xlim([0 100]); ylim([0 16]);
subplot(3,1,2); scatter(gen.Rho.f.pseudo_x,gen.Rho.f.pseudo_y,[],mean(fsim_pseudo,2),'filled');set(gca,'Ydir','reverse');caxis(c_axis); colorbar('southoutside');xlim([0 100]); ylim([0 16])
subplot(3,1,3); scatter(gen.Rho.f.pseudo_x,gen.Rho.f.pseudo_y,[],std(fsim_pseudo,[],2)./mean(fsim_pseudo,2),'filled');set(gca,'Ydir','reverse'); colorbar('southoutside');xlim([0 100]); ylim([0 16])
figure;colormap(viridis()); c_axis=[min(gen.Rho.f.output.pseudo(:)) max(gen.Rho.f.output.pseudo(:))];
subplot(3,1,1); scatter(gen.Rho.f.pseudo_x,gen.Rho.f.pseudo_y,[],(mean(fsim_pseudo,2)-gen.Rho.f.output.pseudo)./gen.Rho.f.output.pseudo,'filled');set(gca,'Ydir','reverse'); xlim([0 100]); ylim([0 16])
caxis([-.1 .1])
subplot(3,1,2); scatter(gen.Rho.f.pseudo_x,gen.Rho.f.pseudo_y,[],(gen.Rho.i.output.pseudo-gen.Rho.f.output.pseudo)./gen.Rho.f.output.pseudo,'filled');set(gca,'Ydir','reverse'); xlim([0 100]); ylim([0 16])
caxis([-.05 .05])
figure; hold on;
for i_real=1:parm.n_real
x=[floor(min(fsim_pseudo(:))) ceil(max(fsim_pseudo(:)))];
xlabel('Apparent resistivity measured from simulated fields');
ylabel('Apparent resistivity measured from true fields');
set(gca, 'YScale', 'log'); set(gca, 'XScale', 'log')